Posted by: knitapeace | June 8, 2008

Don’t let him lick you on the mouth

So we have this really stupid frog living in our back yard. I keep finding him in the pool skimmers and putting him over in the bushes. The last time, I took him clear across the yard and hoped he’d learn his lesson. Yesterday, I opened the skimmer lid and there he was again, bobbing sheepishly up and down, looking at me with his little buggy frog eyes. I scooped him out again and set him on the sidewalk, thinking I would close the skimmer and take him across the yard again. Then I realized the dog was standing right there. I made a grab for his collar, but he was too quick for me. Poor Froggie will no longer go a courtin’–he was gobbled up in about two seconds.

Today, Seeger’s new nickname is Frog Breath.


  1. Oh man, last time my dog got a frog, he had seizures all night! Be carfeful! (glad yours didn’t!)

  2. Yikes, scary! Where do you live, the Congo? LOL! We didn’t have any seizures that I could see, but I’ll definitely watch him. Thanks for the info.

  3. Man, dogs will eat anything. Imagine frog legs, without any garlic butter.

  4. This even made my hubby laugh! I guess Seeger was in need of some protein after eating all those dirty underwear!

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